
Graphite Drawing | Digital art

​Drawing often is essential to improve technical skills and evolve!

Digital art​

I often use my cintiq22HD to create drawings based on organic brushes, so the Anal artwork looks like traditional techniques (graphite or oil). I really enjoy making graphic art projects because I have everything I can do in traditional drawing. unlimited color palettes and much more ...It is possible to create works the same way I do with the traditional. There are several steps: 

  • Project planning (Image search. planning the positions of the elements of the area to be drawn)
  • Assembly (I do the assembly with digital help. In this case I use "Krita".
  • Stencil Stencil is often unfairly criticized. for in this case the artist overlooks the main lines of the form of the elements and details. which facilitates the project's production speed. In a realistic drawing, an artist usually doesn't want to worry about the shape, he wants to go more directly to the tones. the textures. If you think the stencil does it all try it and see for yourself!!! ) 
  • Production (Hues, shadows, texture, shine)


Illustration of the story of the brothers "Uchiha" from the anime Naruto.​


Ilustração sobre a pandemia atual.


Ilustração do olho de alguém especial!

Graphite Drawing​

In drawing I use:

  •  Staedtler brand pencil, the model Mars® Lumograph® 100
  •  Fabriano paper 
